how's life ?
hari ni Fika nak kongsi satu kisah tentang Coke
Fika tahu ramai orang suka minum Coke
I know that Coke tastes very tasty
I'd drink Coke too but I've stop
but Coke is not good for our health
Coke contain sugar , soda , caffeine , calories
1 tin of Coke contain 160 of calories .. Wonder if we drink Coke for a year everyday , we will get extra 57600 calories . Banyak tu kalori , kalau nak sakit + gemuk , drink it often lah .
soda on Coke will corrode our teeth
Coke contain caffeine which is diuretic . Diuretik adalah sejenis ubat yang mempercepatkankadar pengeluaran urin . This means like it removes water from our body . Caffeine is also affect to our nervous system and other brain function .
Ustad Azhar Idrus sendiri cakap yang Coke ni haram diminum
why ?
dengar sendiri kata orang yang lebih berpengetahuan ..
this is the other video about Coke , I mean Diet Coke .. When Diet Coke with Mentos ..
nampak macam best sahaja boleh buat air terjun tapi cuma kau orang bayangkan kau orang yang minum Coke ni and makan Mentos .. Perut kau orang boleh pecah lah Fika rasa .
Sorry for any false like spelling and sorry for my bad language
Thanks for reading ..
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