
Friday, May 17, 2013

Teacher's Day

assalamualaikum and konichiwa and hi and bonjour and annyeong !!!

buat julung kalinya, my school celebrated Teacher's Day on 16th May 2013
ofc lah, my school baru buka tahun ni lah

in the morning, i woke up and... oh man, it was raining. our headmaster just planned to hold a football and bola jaring matches between teachers and students. but i was going to school even though it was raining.

firtsly before the perhimpunan started, like usually i will jaga dekat pintu pagar. hahah. then ronda kejap around the school blocks. when i heard the emcee started her speech, i go ready prepare myself to give a speech.

when the teacher(emcee) wrongly called my name to give a speech, i heard someone said "madiha lah..". but i buat muka macam cikgu tak buat salah pape pun, i approach the mic to give my speech about teacher's day. dah sampai dekat middle of the speech, i started shivering bcoz suddenly i saw someone stare at me. lol. i tried to calm myself and end my speech as soon as possible. at my last word, they clapped for me...pheww~ . when i walked to the back, Black or his friend asked me "Apsal kau macam nak nangis je tadi?" i was like ==' and answered "mana ada aku macam nak nangis, aku menggigil lah tadi".

Then the headmaster gave his speech. Bacakan messages he got from his students and told that he still want to continue the football and bola jaring matches.

then persembahan from Syamil and the gang made a parody of  "terima kasih guru", singing and dancing. oh my.... they are sooo cute meh. then 3 girls mendeklamasikan sajak.

we all recess for 1 HOUR. Wuuu~ siap ada karaoke by cikgu Yana and Kobis. Parody sayang and gwiyomi pun ada....The rain stopped. I take the opportunity of this 1 hour to go see all the teacher, salam and wish them "happy teacher's day". firstly our class teacher, puan Kalsom or also known as Datin Som. we approached her and wished happy teacher's day and gave her our present. suddenly ada mamat india mana entah spray benda apa entah yang biasa orang guna dalam birthday party tu dekat kitorang. then we ambil gambar together. then i and andi went to the bilik guru to put my cards and presents to their desk except for pengetua. dah 3 kali aku pergi jenguk office penuh budak-budak dok beratur nak salam, bagi hadiah kat pengetua. then i saw my headmaster outside the office, tengah bergambar dengan junior girls. while waiting for them, andi told me pasal background desktop for slide tadi kat perhimpunan gambar zayn malik. i also saw the picture then we screamed loudly together till the pengetua and the girls look at us weird. the pengetua invite me to also take picture with him but i don't want. malu lah weyy. kalau ambil gambar guna phone aku takpe jugak. macam menyemak je nanti junior girls tu anggap aku nanti.

pengetua a bit busy that time, sampai dia dah nak masuk kereta buat apa i dunno. he asked me to keep the present inside his room, on a sofa and write my name inside his notebook. i go inside his room with andi. no one was there. it's not my first time jejakkan kaki dalam tu. i saw many presents on the sofa and there was an photo album on the table. there was a cake, cards and many big big present. then i look at mine, not big and special like theirs but it still ok. yang penting aku memang nak bagi pengetua hadiah. while terpegun tengok gambar-gambar pengetua, suddenly pengetua masuk, told us a bit about his achievement in sport. he also showed us his photo album. then we wished him happy teacher's day.

soo long my post today.  hahah. like i care, just a few people only will read my blog.
then after recess, we all went to the field. some were watching female teachers playing bola jaring with girl students and some were watching pengetua, male teachers and some boy students playing football.

okay firstly i play muddy water with andi. hehe. we watched them playing football ofc. group teachers menang! pengetua siap goalkan 3 times. bola jaring also group teachers yang menang. result for football was 7-3. it was fun watching tecahers and students play together. cikgu hafifi siap tergolkan sendiri.

what an awesome day! even thought actually i was tired and now still tired. my head spinning and i feel dizzy @.@ . it was the bestest day of my school days this year :).

it's all for today. sorry no pictures. i didn't bring my phone to school.

yang sekolah lain tu, sila jelly dengan sambutan hari guru kat sekolah sini. hehe

#dah baca blog ni, aku cerita yang betul-betul berlaku. tak puas hati, jumpa aku bagitaw aku tak puas hati pasal apa ok. yang penting 'JANGAN SESEKALI NAK TOKOK TAMBAH POST  OR COPY PASTE DALAM BLOG NI'. kalau tak suka pulak, jangan datang blog ni lagi. sekian saja daripada aku and tata bye now.

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